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How to make superagent request headers case sensitive?

I'm writing a superagent client for a PHP application.

I'm struggling to get one of the first examples to work:

.set('X-API-Key', 'foobar')

appears to send headers x-api-key: foobar (and user-agent: node-superagent/1.7.2) to server, so I lose the case. Is it normal (i.e. I should make serverside case-insensitive when working with superagent), or am I missing something?

A quick dive into superagent source code shows that there is intentional .toLowerCase call, but it just doesn't seem right, does it?


  • OH boy!

    I totally missed this: Are HTTP headers case-sensitive?

    The answer is - http headers should not be case sensitive, so sending lowercase is valid, and server-side must take care of it.

    It is however easy to fall to getallheaders() which returns an assoc array which is case sensitive.