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How can I exclude blank lines with awk?


How can I exclude lines starting with a space character, and that have nothing else on the line? With awk, I want to print the line Need to print, but it's also printing the blank line. How can I exclude it?

Script: test.awk

$0 !~/^start|^#/ {
print "Result : %s",$0


# test

Need to print


Result : %s 
Result : %s Need to print


  • Use the NF Variable

    You aren't really asking about lines that start with a space, you're asking about how to discard blank lines. Pragmatically speaking, blank lines have no fields, so you can use the built-in NF variable to discard lines which don't have at least one field. For example:

    $ awk 'NF > 0 && !/^(start|#)/ {print "Result: " $0}' /tmp/corpus 
    Result: Need to print