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Selma map List<T> to T

I am using Selma and I have the following class:

public class Customer
    private int id;
    private String email;
    private String firstName;
    private String lastName;
    private Date registeredDate;
    private List<Address> addresses;


I want to map it to:

public class Customer
    private String id;
    private String email;
    private String firstName;
    private String lastName;
    private Date registeredDate;
    private String company;
    private Address address1;
    private Address address2;

Is there any way to cast the (int) id to (String) id and to set the first address from the List to address1 and the second address to address2?

I was thinking of using an interceptor, but this way I will have to manually map the Address classes. Is there a way to use Selma to automatically map the address classes in the interceptor? For example:

 public class CustomerCustomMapper
    public void interceptMyCustomerToCustomer(com.mycode.domain.Customer source, Customer destination) {

        if(source.getAddresses() != null && source.getAddresses().size() > 0)
            com.mycode.domain.Address myAddress1 = source.getAddresses().get(0);

            AddressMapper addressMapper = Selma.builder(AddressMapper.class).build();

            Address address1 = addressMapper.mapAddress(myAddress1);

           // do the same for address2


Regarding mapping the Address class I did it the way I showed above. I created an AddressMapper with the following code inside: Address toAddress(com.mycode.domain.Address address);

Then I created an addressMapper and used it to map the Address autimatically:

AddressMapper addressMapper = Selma.builder(AddressMapper.class).build();

As for the id, currently I have to create an interceptor for every class that I map (almost every class has an Id in it (SQL)), and manually set the id like so: destination.setId(Integer.toString(source.getId()));

It is quite frustrating actually, but sadly I can't find a better option.


  • for the list to Address the interceptor is the good answer.

    For the int to String you can specify a custom mapper mapping from int to String (see

    But I would recommend using an abstract mapper instead of building a new mapper to map the Address. This way you'll be able to integrate your specific code inside the mapper and call the address mapper method directly (see

    For the toString thing, you can also add a feature request to Github. I'll be glad to add this feature.