I have a set of predefined MySQL queries whose results I want to present on an EasyUI datagrid (jQuery).
The problem is that each query returns different result columns, so I cannot use something similar to the jQuery tutorial section Dynamically change datagrid columns, as the column titles are not known before executing the query in the PHP file.
You can add columns dinamically to easyui datagrid.
Let's say you have a php array that contains column you want to add to the datagrid. Assume that $dwSyntax = your query result from php code. Then build datagrid using javascript like :
$('#datagrid').datagrid ({
url:<php url>
queryParams: <query parameter>,
height : 350, pagination : true, singleSelect : true, rownumbers : true, fitColumns: false,
columns : [[
$i = 0;
while ($i < count($dwSyntax)) {
$row = $dwSyntax[$i];
echo "{ field: '".$row['field']."', title: '".$row['title']."', width: ".$row['width'].", sortable: true, align: '".$row['align']."', rowspan: 1, hidden: false },";
Then insert html like
<div id="datagrid"></div>
make sure you have those keys in $dwsyntax array (field,title,width,align).
I hope you understand what i mean. And if not, then share your query, php and javascript code.