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Accessing User Rating Information from Steam

My Google-Fu has failed me. I am looking for a way to easily access the user rating system on Steam.

What I have is the User's 64bit SteamID, The user's list of owned games in the form of appids, and access to Steam-Web-Api. I could set up a number of CURL requests to harvest the information from the store, but I am hoping that I can just get it through an API somewhere.

Can anyone point me in the right direction for access this information?



  • I don't think review information is available in the Web API at the moment.

    What you could do is get the app's store page, for example,, you have the app IDs from the API, and scrape the review numbers from the HTML. This is not future-safe because they will change the layout at some point, but that's how I would do it.