I have an INSERT query like this
INSERT INTO tna_temp_attendance VALUES('" + strEmpCode + "', CONVERT(SMALLDATETIME, '" + dtDateTime.ToString() + "'), 0, " + _inOutMode.ToString() + ", null, 0, 'CHO-', '" + strMachine + "')
When I execute this query there is this error occurred "the conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value"
Help Plz
My database has this table "tna_temp_attendance" and its columns are
I passed the date like this also
CONVERT(SMALLDATETIME, '" + Convert.ToDateTime(dtDateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")) + "')
But it also not working
I finally done it. I declared a string.
- string dt = DateTime.Now.ToString();
Then convert it to DateTime
DateTime ndt = Convert.ToDateTime(dt);
Then I used
And It Worked. Thanks guys