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After `DELETE VERTEX v;` how do I reset the RecordId?

After executing DELETE VERTEX v; to delete all records from an oriendb database, how do I reset the RecordId (@rid) to start over?

I want to run tests so after deleting all records I seed records again; I test a particular record #13:3 but then it changes after the tear down. It is not #13:3 when the db is seeded again.


  • I have created this simple structure to try your case:

    create property integer
    create vertex V set id = 1
    create vertex V set id = 2
    create vertex V set id = 3
    create vertex V set id = 4
    create vertex V set id = 5

    Now the class V has this rids and records:

    select from V
    #   |@RID|@CLASS|id
    0   |#9:0|V     |1
    1   |#9:1|V     |2
    2   |#9:2|V     |3
    3   |#9:3|V     |4
    4   |#9:4|V     |5

    but if you execute the command

    truncate class V unsafe
    Truncated 5 record(s) in 0,016000 sec(s).

    all records in class V will be deleted (instead of deleting them manually) and the @rids will be resetted. Now, if you execute a new create vertex V set id = 1 command, the @rid #9:0 will be re-assigned to the first re-inserted record. The following is an example of re-insert:

    create vertex V set id = 1
    Created vertex 'V#9:0{id:1} v1' in 0,015000 sec(s).

    Now, if you query the class V, you'll see the @rid #9:0 re-assigned

    select from V
    #   |@RID|@CLASS|id
    0   |#9:0|V     |1

    Hope it helps