I have the following tables:
create table WorkPendingSummary
WorkPendingID int not null,
WorkPendingDate date not null,
Status varchar(20) not null,
EndDate date null
create table WorkPendingSummaryStage
WorkPendingID int not null,
WorkPendingDate date not null,
Status varchar(20) not null
I then have the following merge statement:
MERGE INTO WorkPendingSummary w USING WorkPendingSummaryStage
AS vals(WorkPendingID, WorkPendingDate, Status)
ON w.WorkPendingID = vals.WorkPendingID
THEN UPDATE SET w.workpendingdate = vals.workpendingdate, w.status = vals.status, w.enddate = current_time
The documentation at: http://hsqldb.org/doc/guide/dataaccess-chapt.html#dac_merge_statement states that the "WHEN MATCHED" statement can have an additional "AND" clause as I have above, however that fails with:
unexpected token: AND required: THEN : line: 4 [SQL State=42581, DB Errorcode=-5581]
Does this feature work or am I just missing something?
Using HSQLDB 2.3.1.
The documentation is for version 2.3.3 and forthcoming 2.3.4. The AND clause is supported in these latest versions.