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.inf file AddRegistry section flag meaning (HKR,,"UpperFilters",0x00010008,"upperfilt" ) what does 0x00010008 stand for?

At MSDN Installing a Filter Driver there is a sample file given (reproduced lower).

In the [upperfilter_addreg] section there is the registry line HKR,,"UpperFilters",0x00010008,"upperfilt".

What is the meaning of the 0x00010008 flag ?

Note that this file is meant to install an Upper Filter Driver.
Thank you microsoft for your great resourceful complete docs.

upperfilter_copyfiles = 12

CopyFiles = upperfilter_copyfiles
AddReg = upperfilter_addreg


; append this service to existing REG_MULTI_SZ list, if any

AddService = upperfilt,,upperfilter_service

DisplayName   = %upperfilter_ServiceDesc%
ServiceType   = 1   ; SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER
StartType     = 3   ; SERVICE_DEMAND_START
ErrorControl  = 1   ; SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL
ServiceBinary = %12%\upperfilt.sys


  • See the help in the WDK.

    Should be


    so more its what is supplied in the comment in the line above the AddReg directive itself.