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Flex / Grid layouts not working on button or fieldset elements

I'm trying to center inner elements of a <button>-tag with flexbox's justify-content: center. But Safari does not center them. I can apply the same style to any other tags and it works as intended (see the <p>-tag). Only the button is left-aligned.

Try Firefox or Chrome and you can see the difference.

Is there any user agent style I have to overwrite? Or any other solution to this problem?

div {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  width: 100%;
button, p {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: row;
  justify-content: center;

And a jsfiddle:


  • The Problem

    In some browsers the <button> element doesn't accept changes to its display value, beyond switching between block and inline-block. This means that a <button> element cannot be a flex or grid container, or a <table>, either.

    In addition to <button> elements, you may find this constraint applying to <fieldset> and <legend> elements, as well.

    See the bug reports below for more details.

    Note: Although they cannot be flex containers, <button> elements can be flex items.

    The Solution

    There is a simple and easy cross-browser workaround to this problem:

    Wrap the content of the button in a span, and make the span the flex container.

    Adjusted HTML (wrapped button content in a span)

            <span><!-- using a div also works but is not valid HTML -->

    Adjusted CSS (targeted span)

    button > span, p {
        display: flex;
        flex-direction: row;
        justify-content: center;

    Revised Demo

    References / Bug Reports

    Flexbox on a <button> blockifies the contents but doesn't establish a flex formatting context

    User (Oriol Brufau): The children of the <button> are blockified, as dictates the flexbox spec. However, the <button> seems to establish a block formatting context instead of a flex one.

    User (Daniel Holbert): That is effectively what the HTML spec requires. Several HTML container-elements are "special" and effectively ignore their CSS display value in Gecko [aside from whether it's inline-level vs. block-level]. <button> is one of these. <fieldset> & <legend> are as well.

    Add support for display:flex/grid and columnset layout inside <button> elements

    User (Daniel Holbert):

    <button> is not implementable (by browsers) in pure CSS, so they are a bit of a black box, from the perspective of CSS. This means that they don't necessarily react in the same way that e.g. a <div> would.

    This isn't specific to flexbox -- e.g. we don't render scrollbars if you put overflow:scroll on a button, and we don't render it as a table if you put display:table on it.

    Stepping back even further, this isn't specific to <button>. Consider <fieldset> and <table> which also have special rendering behavior.

    And old-timey HTML elements like <button> and <table> and <fieldset> simply do not support custom display values, other than for the purposes of answering the very high-level question of "is this element block-level or inline-level", for flowing other content around the element.

    Also see: