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Is it worth using require_once() for memory savings?

I'd like to check if my understanding's correct about require_once(). I have a bunch of functions in file foo.php. Let's say 7/8 out of them are always used, and one of them's rather rare and rather large. I have to keep this function's definition in foo.php. Can you tell me if the following approach achieves anything, and if you think it's worth what it achieves.

  • Take out the body of the function and put it in an external file.
  • Redefine the original function to require_once() that particular file and pass execution over to the helper function.

I understand this could save server memory on the requests where that function isn't run. What exactly am I saving though? Just the memory it takes to hold the body of the function? That would mean it would have to be a pretty big function before being worth it I guess. Also, if I'm using something like APC does it become less useful?

Please correct or add to this as appropriate!

Thank you very much.


  • I highly doubt you will gain anything from refactoring it into a separate file. Also, do you actually have any problems with the code as it is now that makes you consider this? You know premature optimization is the root of all evil. Profile your code to see if and where it has bottlenecks before you waste your time on pointless µoptimizations.