I am trying to use VectorDrawables in my Android App.
I want to load an xml File from the File System and get an Instance of android.graphics.Drawable
to display it in an ImageView
. If i add the xml File to the Resources directory it works. But when i try to load it from the filesystem i always get a NullPointer.
I am currently trying to load the File via
Drawable.createFromPath(*Path to File*)
or VectorDrawable.createFromPath(*Path to File*)
, but i keep getting a NullPointer.
The File exists and is a valid xml File (see below).
In adb log i always get :
SkImageDecoder::Factory returned null
When i use mContext.getFilesDir()
the Path looks something like
I also tried some public Folders like "Downloads". When i check the File with the File.io Api it exists()
, canRead()
and canWrite()
Update This ist the XML Code taken from the android Dev Pages
<vector xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:viewportWidth="600" >
android:rotation="45.0" >
android:pathData="M300,70 l 0,-70 70,70 0,0 -70,70z" />
Unfortunately, no. Not unless you somehow compile the XML source file in the way that resources are compiled. VectorDrawable
currently assumes a compiled image source.
Otherwise you could probably have written something like this:
VectorDrawable d = new VectorDrawable();
try( InputStream in = new FileInputStream( *Path to File* ); )
XmlPullParser p = Xml.newPullParser();
p.setInput( in, /*encoding, self detect*/null );
d.inflate( getResources(), p, Xml.asAttributeSet(p) ); // FAILS
Currently that fails (API level 23, Marshmallow 6.0) because the inflate call attempts to cast the attribute set to an XmlBlock.Parser
, which throws a ClassCastException
. The cause is documented in the source; it will “only work with compiled XML files”, such as resources packaged by the aapt