I have a nightly build set up which deploys to crashlytics beta every night, but for each apk I upload I have to manually add testers, how can testers just receive the most recently uploaded apk to crashlytics beta instead of having to add them every time, it completely misses the point of continuous delivery.
Mike from Fabric here.
You can add tester group aliases or email address into your app's gradle build type or flavor that you're distributing. From the documentation, add the group alias, or aliases using:
or a comma-separated file of the group aliases:
You can also specify specific individual testers via a comma separated file of testers: (Use the following format: first name, last name, email address.)
or their email addresses:
ext.betaDistributionEmails="BetaUser@yourcompany.com, BetaUser2@yourcompany.com"