For my Project I need to convert the Image from Url to hash code. Like "CE3222F5.jpg". But I am not getting where should I implement Gethashcode method in my code. My code to get the image from url is as
Poi.Images = new List<string> { new WikiImage().GetImage(PoiName).Image };
with this code I got my images like this-
"Images": [
but I want to get it in this way-
"Images": [
I know for this Hash code I need to use
var hash = uri.GetHashCode();
var path = Path.Combine(Jpeg, hash.ToString("X") + ".jpg");
But I am not getting how can Iimplement it in my code.
To process a list of strings, you can use Select.
var images = new List<string>() { "" };
var hashcodes = images.Select(t => string.Format("{0:X}.jpg", t.GetHashCode()));