I have GPS data and I am trying to calculate the bearing to the furthest part of the trip. My data looks like this:
Time Lat Long 18:11:25 -38.621449 142.931061 18:13:25 -38.62212 142.929871 18:15:33 -38.623333 142.92868 ... 23:16:26 -38.793068 142.827881 23:18:54 -38.795414 142.838516 23:23:02 -38.795803 142.839066 ... 09:59:49 -38.621532 142.930786
I am trying to calculate the bearing between the starting point (-38.621449 142.931061) and the furthest point (-38.793068,142.827881).
I have been able to do this by manually extracting the 2 locations from the spreadsheet and calculating the bearing using my script:
` bearing <- function(lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2){
lat1 <- angledim(lat1,"degrees","radians")
lon1 <- angledim(lon1,"degrees","radians")
lat2 <- angledim(lat2,"degrees","radians")
lon2 <- angledim(lon2,"degrees","radians")
dlon <- lon1 - lon2
theta <- atan2(cos(lat2)*sin(dlon),cos(lat1)*sin(lat2)-sin(lat1)*cos(lat2)*cos(dlon))
theta <- angledim(theta,"radians","degrees")
theta <- (theta+360) %% 360
Is there an easier way to calculate this without going through endless spreadsheets?
(Apologies in advance if things are not formatted properly, this is my first question!)
I'm using the earth.bear function from the fossil package here but you could use your own custom written one.
tail(mydata$Long, n=1),tail(mydata$Lat, n=1))