I have created a toolbar in my windows 10 UWP winjs app and I want to disable some of the buttons.
I append attributes to the button like so :
new WinJS.UI.Command(null, {
disable: true,
id: 'cmdSave',
label: 'save',
section: 'primary',
type: 'button',
icon: 'save',
onclick: clickbuttonprintout()
I have looked through the winjs css files and found many disabled tags. Is it possible to set the button to disabled like I have appended other attributes above ?
Figured this out :
You select the button, set it to disabled and then process it.
var thisBtn = document.getElementById('cmdSave');
thisBtn.disabled = true;
WinJS.UI.process(btn); //this is key
With this in mind, I set up a function so I can pass different buttons to it:
function disableButton(buttonID){
var btn = document.getElementById(buttonID);
btn.disabled = true;
Even though this is not part of the question, it may help people.
What about editing the attributes on the button too ? Ive made this function to edit any attribute on a winjs button :
function changeButtonAttributes(buttonId, element, attribute) {
var btn = document.getElementById(buttonId); //select button
btn.winControl[element] = attribute; //button.element = attribute
WinJS.UI.process(btn); //process all
Hope that helps :)