I installed Nginx. I can start, stop, etc... the service and the server are working on boot.
But, i cant seem to find the upstart init script for Nginx, not in /etc/init/ or anywhere in the system.
I read on the Nginx docs the following:
If you install NGINX from a repository, then it is likely that you already have an init script installed. If you installed from source, then you’ll want to find a script from below to help you out.
They dont say where the init file is located in the case you installed Nginx using aptitude.
Can anyone tell me please?
Linux version ubuntu 14.04
When installing nginx, you may see two extra packages installed:
sudo apt-get install nginx
The following NEW packages will be installed:
nginx nginx-common nginx-core
You may see all files installed by package:
dpkg -L nginx-common
It installs System V style init script, not upstart job.