I am pretty new in SQL and I have the following problem trying to implement the following query on a MySql database.
So I have this situation:
Into my database have a table named TID023_INTERVENTO where each line of this table represent a project (for me a project is something that can receive a grant).
And it have the following structure:
Field Type Null Key Default Extra
PRG_INT int(11) NO PRI auto_increment
COD_INT varchar(15) NO UNI
COD_CUP varchar(15) YES UNI
FLG_CUP_PRO tinyint(1) YES
So by this query:
select * from TID023_INTERVENTO where COD_TIP_STA_INT = 2 && COD_TIP_BAN = 2;
I obtain a list of projects (a project is a record of the TID023_INTERVENTO table) that have 2 specific values for the COD_TIP_STA_INT and COD_TIP_BAN fields.
Ok, this query works fine and I obtain my list of projects.
My problem is that now I have to modify the previous query to join the information stored into another table named TID031_PIANO.
The situation is the following: each record retrieved by the previous query is linked 1:1 to a record into the TID031_PIANO table that have the following structure:
Field Type Null Key
PRG_PIA int(11) NO PRI
DES_DEN_SCU varchar(255) NO
So, as you can see, into this second table (TID031_PIANO) there is the PRG_INT field that represent the primary key of the TID023_INTERVENTO table.
I know that I can first retrieve the list of the records of the TID031_PIANO table by my original simple query, this one:
select * from TID023_INTERVENTO where COD_TIP_STA_INT = 2 && COD_TIP_BAN = 2;
and then iterate on each record to obtain the primary key and so use this primary key to perform a second simple select query on the TID031_PIANO table specifying the condition on the PRG_INT field of this table.
But I want perform it into a single query performina join or something like this.
What is the best way to achieve this task?
So, you are looking for join syntax?
select * from TID023_INTERVENTO s
where s.COD_TIP_STA_INT = 2 and t.COD_TIP_BAN = 2;