How to auto open infowindow on marker on NgMap load ?
Here is my code:
<map center="{{lat}},{{lng}}" zoom="10" >
<marker id="mymarker" position="{{lat}},{{lng}}"></marker>
<info-window id="bar"> <b>Hello World!</b></info-window>
Any onload
events to use?
This is an idea for you to tailor it to your problem // review the example
NgMap.getMap({id:"map"}) -> Returns a promise, and the function then executes the code after that map is loaded
angular.module('ngMap').controller('MyCtrl', function(NgMap) {
NgMap.getMap({id:"map"}).then(function(map) {
map.showInfoWindow('bar', 'marker1');
<ng-map id="map" default-style="true" center="-25.363882,131.044922" zoom="4">
<marker id="marker1" position="-25.363882,131.044922"
<info-window id="bar">
<div ng-non-bindable>
Bla bla