Search code examples

Selection Sort Implementation

I'm playing around with sorting algorithms. The implementation I have of selection sort is the following:

using System;

namespace Sort
    class Program
        static void SelectionSort(int[] arr)
            int smallestIndex, index, minIndex, temp; 
            for (index = 0; index < arr.Length - 1; index++)
                smallestIndex = index; 
                for (minIndex = index; minIndex < arr.Length; minIndex++)
                    if (arr[minIndex] < arr[smallestIndex])
                        smallestIndex = minIndex;
                    temp = arr[smallestIndex];
                    arr[smallestIndex] = arr[index];
                    arr[index] = temp; 

        static void Main(string[] args)
            int[] myList = {18, 16, 3, 90, 22, 10, 18, 7, 0, 43, 72, 98, 5, 44};
            string unsorted = "";
            string sorted = ""; 
            // First, display the contents of the unsorted list.
            foreach (var item in myList)
                unsorted = unsorted + item.ToString() + " "; 
            Console.WriteLine("- Original list: " + unsorted);
            // Now, sort and display the contents of the list after sorting. 
            foreach (var item in myList)
                sorted = sorted + item.ToString() + " "; 
            Console.WriteLine("- Sorted list: " + sorted); 
            Console.WriteLine("- List Size " + myList.Length); 

This produces the following output:

- Original list: 18 16 3 90 22 10 18 7 0 43 72 98 5 44
- Sorted list: 7 3 10 16 18 18 22 43 0 44 5 72 90 98
- List Size 14

Which, obviously, isn't quite right. I'm not really sure what's wrong with the implementation I have. How would I fix this?


  • Just take the swap part out of the loop.