Search code examples

Autofill based on list and value of a cell

I'm making a spreadsheet to help me with my personal accounting. I'm trying to create a formula in LibreOffice Calc that will search in a given cell for a number of different text strings and if found return a text string.

Screen shot

For example, the formula should search for "burger" or "McDonalds" in $C6 and likewise then return "Food" to $E6. It should not be case sensitive. And needs partially to match strings as well as in the case of Burger King. I need it to be able to search for other keywords and return those values as well, like "AutoZone" and return "Auto" and NewEgg and return "Electronics".

I've had a tough time finding any kind of solution to this and the closet I could get was with a MATCH formula but once I nested it in an IF it would not work. I've also tried nested IF with OR; not joy on either.



I can create a different table and make a lookup reference so another way to put this is I need something that does the opposite of what VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP do and return the header value for any data matching in given columns.

Something like:


If A1 was the test and B2 and C2 were the headers and it was searching below those.


  • As per my comments, try this:

    =IF(SUM(LEN(G150)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(LOWER(G150),{"hulu","netflix","movie","theater"," stadium"},"")))>0,"Entertainment",IF(SUM(LEN(G150)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(LOWER(G150),{"burger","taco","vida","caf‌​e","wing","dairy","mcdonald","wendy","kfc","pizza","carl","domino","ceaser","oliv‌​e","jimmy","custard","subway","arby"},"")))>0,"Food",IF(SUM(LEN(G150)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(LOWER(G150),{"autozone","Napa","oreilly"},"")))>0,"AUTO","-")))

    It is an Array formula and must be confirmed with Ctrl-Shift-Enter.

    enter image description here