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How do I recurse tuples?

I'm attempting to make a variadic template container that stores a tuple of vectors of elements. The point of this container is the elements across all vectors are all related, and I want to maintain that correlation for later, but it isn't necessary for computation. Imagine, if you will, a vector_3 and a ref_id of some type.

The container will only uniformly mutate the vectors together. So the parts I do understand would look like this:

template<typename ...Elems>
class container
    std::tuple<std::vector<Elems>...> data_;

    template<typename I>
    const typename std::tuple_element<I, data_type>::type &nth_index() const
    { return std::get<I>(data_); }

I'm struggling with an insert method. I was thinking something along the lines of:

void push_back(std::tuple<Elems...> &values)
    std::tuple<std::back_insert_iterator<std::vector<Elems>>...> inserters;

But I have no idea how to initialize this "inserters" tuple. I've been looking at various recursive template examples here on stackoverflow and I can't keep it all in my head long enough to comprehend it.

I was presuming if I had such a tuple, I could use simple assignment:

inserters = values;

I'd also like to write an accessor across all the arrays that returns a tuple of values:

std::tuple<Elems &...> operator[](const size_t index)

But once again, I don't know how to initialize this tuple.

I can't be the only one who ever wanted to do this and I can't find a good resource to learn it. In the meantime, I'm trying to digest the original variadic template proposal for 0x. Insight would be appreciated. I'm limited by the MSVC 2012 implementation.


  • A C++11 solution with SFINAE and type traits:

    template<typename ...Elems>
    class container {
      std::tuple<std::vector<Elems>...> data_;
      template<std::size_t N>
      typename std::enable_if<(N <std::tuple_size<decltype(data_)>::value), int>::type
      push_back_impl(std::tuple<Elems...> const &values) {
        return push_back_impl<N + 1>(values);
      template<std::size_t N>
      typename std::enable_if<(N == std::tuple_size<decltype(data_)>::value), int>::type
      push_back_impl(std::tuple<Elems...> const &values) {
        return 0;
      void push_back(std::tuple<Elems...> const &values) {

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    as for the subscript operator you'll need some extra machinery found in this SO answer:

    template <size_t ...I>
    struct index_sequence {};
    template <size_t N, size_t ...I>
    struct make_index_sequence : public make_index_sequence<N - 1, N - 1, I...> {};
    template <size_t ...I>
    struct make_index_sequence<0, I...> : public index_sequence<I...> {};
    template<typename ...Elems>
    class container {
      std::tuple<std::vector<Elems>...> data_;
      template<size_t ...I>
      std::tuple<Elems&...> access_impl(std::size_t const idx, index_sequence<I...>) {
        return std::tie(std::get<I>(data_)[idx]...);
      std::tuple<Elems&...> operator[](std::size_t const idx) {
        return access_impl(idx, make_index_sequence<sizeof...(Elems)>());

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