I've come across another dead end in trying to SET UP, let alone run, a Unit Test from an existing ASP Web Site using Visual Studio 2012/2013, but I thought this question merited a question of it's own since, although I've seen similar questions asked, everything I've tried for the past 5 hours has yielded something between 0 and Null (not literally, that would be helpful if I would get such output),
The contents of my batch file were, following the instructions of sitepoint.com's Creating and Consuming .NET Web Services in 5 Easy Steps:
wsdl /l:CS /n:WService /out:bin/wsdlWalkthrough.cs
Since I'm trying to follow the steps of an article that's over a decade old, syntax and conventions may easily have changed. But hey, it was able to guide me through making a working .asmx page, so I've tried to stick with it. Anyways, when I run makeWS.bat on the Developer Command Prompt for VS2012, I get the error:
'http:' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file.
In attempting to fix the problem, my makeWS.bat page currently looks like:
wsdl /l:CS /n:WService /out:bin/wsdlWalkthrough.cs
Also, the .asmx file looks like this:
<%@ WebService Language="C#" Class="GetInfo" %>
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Web.Services;
[WebService(Description="My Suppliers List Web Service")]
public class GetInfo : WebService
[WebMethod(Description="My WebService",BufferResponse=true)]
public DataSet ShowSuppliers (string str)
SqlConnection dbConnection = new SqlConnection("server=(local);uid=sa;pwd=;database=Northwind;");
SqlDataAdapter objCommand = new SqlDataAdapter("select ContactName, CompanyName, City, Phone from Suppliers where Country = '" + str + "' order by ContactName asc", dbConnection);
DataSet DS = new DataSet();
return DS;
dbConnection = null;
When I run the ASMX page in Firefox from File Explorer, I got the error:
XML Parsing Error: not well-formed
However, running the .asmx page from VS2013 got everything to work smoothly. I thought maybe the localhost port might have played a factor, so I tried adjusting my batch file:
wsdl /l:CS /n:WService /out:bin/wsdlWalkthrough.cs
I tried turning Autorun off, I've added the http addresses as System Variables, but nothing has worked. Is anyone out there able to identify my issues because I was honestly incredulous when my Developer Command Prompt for VS2012 said it didn't recognize http:. Isn't Hyper Text Transfer Protocol integrated at the architectural level by now?
'http:' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file.
is because the url is on a different line than the wsdl(.exe) command (whose argument it should be), and the batch consists (this is a simplified view) of a series of commands each on a different line. In order to get over this, merge the 2 lines into 1:
wsdl /l:CS /n:WService /out:bin/wsdlWalkthrough.cs http://localhost:20141/webserv.asmx?wsdl
or escape the eoln (
) char by ^(caret):wsdl /l:CS /n:WService /out:bin/wsdlWalkthrough.cs ^ http://localhost:20141/webserv.asmx?wsdl
and if everything is OK, you should have your bin/wsdlWalkthrough.cs file generated.
CristiFati's instructions got me past the initial hurdle. Now the new error is:
Error: There was an error processing 'http: //localhost/webserv.asmx?wsdl'. -There was an error downloading 'http: //localhost/webserv.asmx?wsdl'. -The request failed with HTTP status 404: Not Found.
This seems like something I could probably find the answer to myself, but further help would still be very much appreciated.
'http:' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file.
is because the url is on a different line than the wsdl(.exe) command (whose argument it should be), and the batch consists (this is a simplified view) of a series of commands each on a different line. In order to get over this, merge the 2 lines into 1:
wsdl /l:CS /n:WService /out:bin/wsdlWalkthrough.cs http://localhost:20141/webserv.asmx?wsdl
or escape the eoln (\r\n
) char by ^(caret):
wsdl /l:CS /n:WService /out:bin/wsdlWalkthrough.cs ^
and if everything is OK, you should have your bin/wsdlWalkthrough.cs file generated.