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Applying IndexToString to features vector in Spark

Context: I have a data frame where all categorical values have been indexed using StringIndexer.

val categoricalColumns = df.schema.collect { case StructField(name, StringType, nullable, meta) => name }    

val categoryIndexers = {
  col => new StringIndexer().setInputCol(col).setOutputCol(s"${col}Indexed") 

Then I used VectorAssembler to vectorize all feature columns (including the indexed categorical ones).

val assembler = new VectorAssembler()
    .setInputCols(dfIndexed.columns.diff(List("label") ++ categoricalColumns))

After applying the classifier and a few additional steps I end up with a data frame that has label, features, and prediction. I would like expand my features vector to separate columns in order to convert the indexed values back to their original String form.

val categoryConverters = {
colAndIndexer => new IndexToString().setInputCol(s"${colAndIndexer._1}Indexed").setOutputCol(colAndIndexer._1).setLabels(

Question: Is there a simple way of doing this, or is the best approach to somehow attach the prediction column to the test data frame?

What I have tried:

val featureSlicers = {
  col => new VectorSlicer().setInputCol("features").setOutputCol(s"${col}Indexed").setNames(Array(s"${col}Indexed"))

Applying this gives me the columns that I want, but they are in Vector form (as it is meant to do) and not type Double.

Edit: The desired output is the original data frame (i.e. categorical features as String not index) with an additional column indicating the predicted label (which in my case is 0 or 1).

For example, say the output of my classifier looked something like this:

|label| features|prediction|
|  1.0|[0.0,3.0]|       1.0|

By applying VectorSlicer on each feature I would get:

|label| features|prediction|statusIndexed|artistIndexed|
|  1.0|[0.0,3.0]|       1.0|        [0.0]|        [3.0]|

Which is great, but I need:

|label| features|prediction|statusIndexed|artistIndexed|
|  1.0|[0.0,3.0]|       1.0|         0.0 |         3.0 |

To then be able to use IndexToString and convert it to:

|label| features|prediction|    status   |    artist   |
|  1.0|[0.0,3.0]|       1.0|        good |  Pink Floyd |

or even:

|label|prediction|    status   |    artist   |
|  1.0|       1.0|        good |  Pink Floyd |


  • Well, it is not a very useful operation but it should be possible to extract required information using column metadata and as simple UDF. I assume your data has been created a pipeline similar to this one:

    import{VectorSlicer, VectorAssembler, StringIndexer}
    val df = sc.parallelize(Seq(
      (1L, "a", "foo", 1.0), (2L, "b", "bar", 2.0), (3L, "a", "bar", 3.0)
    )).toDF("id", "x1", "x2", "x3")
    val featureCols = Array("x1", "x2", "x3")
    val featureColsIdx = => s"${c}_i")
    val indexers =
      c => new StringIndexer().setInputCol(c).setOutputCol(s"${c}_i")
    val assembler = new VectorAssembler()
    val slicer = new VectorSlicer()
    val transformed = new Pipeline()
      .setStages(indexers :+ assembler :+ slicer)

    First we can extract desired metadata from the features:

    val meta =$"string_features")

    and convert it to something easier to use

    case class NominalMetadataWrapper(idx: Long, name: String, vals: Array[String])
    // In general it could a good idea to make it a broadcast variable
    val lookup = => NominalMetadataWrapper(
      m.getLong("idx"), m.getString("name"), m.getStringArray("vals")

    Finally a small UDF:

    import scala.util.Try
    val transFeatures = udf((v: Vector) =>{
      m => Try(m.vals(v(m.idx.toInt).toInt)).toOption