I am looking at the built-in global variables Globals!TotalPages
and Globals!OverallTotalPages
. The following are the descriptions in Report Builder:
The total number of pages in the current continous page sequence. The number can be reset by using page breaks. Can be used only in a page header and footer.
The total number of pages in the report. Can be used only in a page header and footer.
I don't understand the difference between the two. What is meant by "the current continuous page sequence"? When I print the two variables in my reports I get the same number for both.
Total Pages is used for counting total pages say in a group, before the page break so if group one extends 5 pages it will show you (1-5) and then start over again for group 2 ex 6 pages so (1-6).
Overall Total Pages is for the total pages so lets say if group one has 5 pages and group two has 6 it will show you there are 11 pages so 1-11.