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Angular2, manually resolve a type by string/name

Is it possible to manually resolve a component by only knowing it's name?

I have a string variable which will contain the name of a component, lets say "UserService"

I need to be able to resolve this type, I've looked at Injctor, I can see from the documenation there is a resolve() and resolveAndCreate() (

but I don't have the Type.



EDIT: tried the following:


     var injector = Injector.resolveAndCreate([p[this.serviceName]]);//works

     var serviceInstance = injector.get(p[this.serviceName]); //Fails with "No provider for Http! (UserService -> Http)".


I have Http available, it's been provided during bootstrap and this works fine for other parts of the application.

bootstrap(AppComponent, [
    provide(LocationStrategy, { useClass: HashLocationStrategy }),
    provide('notification', { useClass: NotificationService })

Any idea's?

Further Edit:

I now call the resolveAndCreate like this:

var injector = Injector.resolveAndCreate([p[this.serviceName], Http]);

which failed with

No provider for ConnectionBackend! (UserService -> Http -> ConnectionBackend)

So i called it like this:

var injector = Injector.resolveAndCreate([p[this.serviceName], Http, ConnectionBackend]);

which failed with some other missing stuff.

Changed to this

var injector = Injector.resolveAndCreate([p[this.serviceName], HTTP_PROVIDERS]);

and now all is working.

What I do not understand is why it's not automatically resolving these components because i have them provided during bootstrap.


  • You can achieve this by using system.js (that is loader used by angular2) by doing so:

    System.import('path/to/UserService').then(m => 
        //Here you can access user service and use it in injector etc.

    This technique is well illustrated in this article: Lazy Loading of Route Components in Angular 2