Search code examples

Marklogic Search options to restrict search for a JSON nested property

I have a json which has the following structure

         "username": "XXX",
      "username": "YYY",

I want to restrict the search to search a nested property in the above json for eg: -- want to search for "registrar/username".. I was trying to use the search -constraint "container".. but unable to do the search.. following is my code, and it does not seem to work..

Is there any other mechanism for the nested json field search ?


let $search := "(username:WHITEMK) AND (concept.registrar: )"

let $options := 
  <options xmlns="">
    <constraint name="concept.registrar">
    <constraint name="username">

let $start := 1
let $page-length :=10000

return search:search($search, $options, $start, $page-length)


Thanks, Ravi


  • I was able to get a more generic version without adding nested fields is by building a custom search options, which parses the nested JSON property and builds the search query using cts:json-property-scope-query..
    for eg: Let us say you want to search for some 3 level nested property

    let $search := "("

    Using custom parser I was able to transform this to the following

    <cts:json-property-scope-query xmlns:cts="">
    <cts:text xml:lang="en">igg1</cts:text>

    If anyone is interested following is the code for the custom parser

    xquery version "1.0-ml";
    module namespace gbrsso="";
    import module namespace search = "" at "/MarkLogic/appservices/search/search.xqy";
       This module tries to build a custom constraint.. and takes into account the nested query as well
       for eg: Concept:registrar.username:mamidrx
    (: This is parse function which is invoked my marklogic when it sees the custom constraing :)
    declare function gbrsso:parse($constraint-qtext as xs:string, $right as schema-element(cts:query)) as schema-element(cts:query){
     let $log := xdmp:log("Constraint-qtext : " || $constraint-qtext)
     let $log := xdmp:log("$right : " || fn:string($right//cts:text/text()))
     let $queryText := fn:string($right//cts:text/text())
     let $qparts := fn:tokenize($right//cts:text/text(), ":")
     let $queryText := $qparts[last()]
     let $log := xdmp:log("$queryText : " || $queryText)
      let $qpartsCnt := fn:count($qparts)
      let $query :=
          if(fn:count($qparts) = 1) then
              cts:word-query($queryText, ("case-insensitive", "wildcarded", "punctuation-insensitive", "whitespace-insensitive"))
              let $qparts := fn:tokenize($qparts[1],"\.") 
              let $endPart := $qparts[last()]
              (: remove the last part in sequence as we need to create word query with it :)
              let $qparts := fn:remove($qparts, fn:count($qparts))
              let $queryExp :=
                if(fn:count($qparts) = 0) then (: checks if it is nested... :)
                   cts:json-property-scope-query($endPart, cts:word-query($queryText, ("case-insensitive", "wildcarded", "punctuation-insensitive", "whitespace-insensitive")))
                  let $xy := cts:json-property-scope-query($endPart, cts:word-query($queryText, ("case-insensitive", "wildcarded", "punctuation-insensitive", "whitespace-insensitive")))
                  return gbrsso:buildQuery($xy, $qparts)
              return $queryExp
      return $query