I created an extra tab on the user’s profile page and I would like to display the profile fields in it.
This is how I created the extra tab in the first place, I created a new bp-custom.php with this inside
function profile_new_nav_item() {
global $bp;
'name' => 'About',
'slug' => 'about',
'default_subnav_slug' => 'extra_sub_tab', // We add this submenu item below
'screen_function' => 'view_manage_tab_main'
add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'profile_new_nav_item', 10 );
function view_manage_tab_main() {
add_action( 'bp_template_content', 'bp_template_content_main_function' );
bp_core_load_template( 'template_content' );
function bp_template_content_main_function() {
if ( ! is_user_logged_in() ) {
wp_login_form( array( 'echo' => true ) );
function profile_new_subnav_item() {
global $bp;
bp_core_new_subnav_item( array(
'name' => 'Extra Sub Tab',
'slug' => 'extra_sub_tab',
'parent_url' => $bp->loggedin_user->domain . $bp->bp_nav[ 'about' ][ 'slug' ] . '/',
'parent_slug' => $bp->bp_nav[ 'about' ][ 'slug' ],
'position' => 10,
'screen_function' => 'view_manage_sub_tab_main'
) );
add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'profile_new_subnav_item', 10 );
function view_manage_sub_tab_main() {
add_action( 'bp_template_content', 'bp_template_content_sub_function' );
bp_core_load_template( 'template_content' );
function bp_template_content_sub_function() {
if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
echo 'you are here';
} else {
wp_login_form( array( 'echo' => true ) );
See where it says echo 'you are here';
in the last function, I would like to display the profile fields there. I have the code below but I can’t figure out how to embed it there.
If I echo bp_the_profile_field()
I get the following error
Fatal error: Call to a member function the_profile_field() on null
The code below works perfectly on another page, it fetches all the available fields.
<div class="bp-widget <?php bp_the_profile_group_slug(); ?>">
<h4><?php bp_the_profile_group_name(); ?></h4>
<table class="profile-fields">
<?php while ( bp_profile_fields() ) : bp_the_profile_field(); ?>
<?php if ( bp_field_has_data() ) : ?>
<tr<?php bp_field_css_class(); ?>>
<td class="label"><?php bp_the_profile_field_name(); ?></td>
<td class="data"><?php bp_the_profile_field_value(); ?></td>
<?php endif; ?>
do_action( 'bp_profile_field_item' ); ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
Replace this:
echo 'you are here';
With this:
bp_get_template_part( 'members/single/profile/profile-loop' );