Hi I'm trying to make a app where it takes your capital * the rent raised to the amount of years. So it calculates how much it has grown.
But i have encountered a problem whit the pow i want it to pow the rent to the amount of years but i only get it to 1 unless i use a higher value. I have tried using float and double whit no luck. I´m really grateful for any help received enter.
func dismissKeyboard() {
responder status.
let myInt: Int? = Int(kapital.text!)
let myInt1: Int? = Int(år.text!)
let myInt2: Int? = Int(ränta.text!)
let ab = 100.00000
let a = 1.00000
let faktor = Double(myInt2!) / Double(ab)
let faktor1 = Double(faktor) + Double(a)
let fx: Int = Int(pow(Double(faktor1),Double(myInt1!)))
let result = Double(fx) * Double(myInt!)
duhar.text = "\(result)"
You are converting the result of pow to an Int, here:
let fx: Int = Int(pow(Double(faktor1),Double(myInt1!)))
Doing that will drop any decimal and round down to the nearest integer, try this instead:
let fx = pow(faktor1, Double(myInt1!))