I want write query to run the BCP utility and save the query result into the network share folder.
For that purpose I mapped another pc's share folder in my local network to my drive. That drive name is z
. In my explorer it shows me the mapped drive. Opening that drive works and I have full control over it, but when I run this query:
EXEC xp_cmdshell 'bcp "SELECT "028",rtrim(ltrim(anumber)),rtrim(ltrim(bnumber)),rtrim(ltrim(duration)) FROM [myTestReport].[dbo].[CDR]" queryout z:\beh.csv -S DESKTOP-A5CFJSH\MSSQLSERVER1 -Umybehzad -Pbeh1368421 -f "f:\myFORMAT.fmt" '
I get this error:
unable to open BCP host data file
How can I solve that problem? Thanks.
The following mistake jumps out:
) unescaped in your query. You need to double those. In your query the "028"
needs to become ""028""
A working example highlighting this (tested on my environment):
SET @cmd='BCP "SELECT ""028""" QUERYOUT "C:\Temp\test.txt" -c -T -S ' + @@SERVERNAME + ' -d ' + DB_NAME();
EXEC master.sys.xp_cmdshell @cmd;
Note that it is generally best to enclose the data_file
in double quotes ("
). The way your command is written, it would fail if the file name had spaces in it.