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How can I retrieve an ID from Google Contacts API?

I'm trying to retrieve an ID from the Google Contacts API v3. I am able to retrieve an entire url with the id at the end.

So I either have split the url in some way or I need to find a completely different way of retrieving the ID.

if (!empty($contacts['feed']['entry'])) {
    foreach($contacts['feed']['entry'] as $contact) {
        //retrieve Name and email address
        $return[] = array (
            'firstname'=> $contact['gd$name']['gd$givenName']['$t'],
            'lastname'=> $contact['gd$name']['gd$familyName']['$t'],
            'email' => $contact['gd$email'][0]['address'],
            'phoneNumber' => $contact['gd$phoneNumber'][0]['$t'],
            'city' => $contact['gd$structuredPostalAddress'][0]['gd$city']['$t'],
            'street' => $contact['gd$structuredPostalAddress'][0]['gd$street']['$t'],
            'country' => $contact['gd$structuredPostalAddress'][0]['gd$country']['$t'],
            'birthday' => $contact['gContact$birthday']['when'],
            'id' => $contact['id']['$t'],


  • What you could do is split the url on /'s and than take the last index of the outcome.


    $url = "";
    $exploded = explode('/', $url);
    echo end($exploded); //Echoes the last index.