I have a stateprovider which loads view and setup controller. Now the controller depends on service which should provide updated objects. For example, i have a state - s, with template v, and controller c. c depends on service s. s has method -lets say 'sm' which fetches data from AJAX. Now I want the 'sm' to be only called when the state is loaded but before controller is instantiated.
I know it can be done with resolve, but how to order the loading of service method before controller is instantiated.
I am using oclazylaod based function 'loadSequence' which loads scripts in particular order.
.state('member.course', {
url: "/course",
templateUrl: "assets/views/course.html",
controller: 'coursecontroller',
resolve: loadSequence('someservice', 'coursecontroller', 'toaster', 'ngImgCrop'),
data: {
css: 'assets/css/course.css'
I want the someservice.getData method to be called before my 'courseController' is loaded. How to do it?
Edit- loadSequence;:-
function loadSequence() {
var _args = arguments;
return {
deps: ['$ocLazyLoad', '$q',
function($ocLL, $q) {
var promise = $q.when(1);
for (var i = 0, len = _args.length; i < len; i++) {
promise = promiseThen(_args[i]);
return promise;
function promiseThen(_arg) {
if (typeof _arg == 'function')
return promise.then(_arg);
return promise.then(function() {
var nowLoad = requiredData(_arg);
if (!nowLoad)
return $.error('Route resolve: Bad resource name [' + _arg + ']');
return $ocLL.load(nowLoad);
function requiredData(name) {
if (jsRequires.modules)
for (var m in jsRequires.modules)
if (jsRequires.modules[m].name && jsRequires.modules[m].name === name)
return jsRequires.modules[m];
return jsRequires.scripts && jsRequires.scripts[name];
I have faced same situation before, and this is how I resolved it..
.state('member.course', {
url: "/course",
templateUrl: "assets/views/course.html",
controller: 'coursecontroller',
resolve: {
b: ['someservice', function(someservice) {
return someservice.getData();//as its a ajax request it will return a promise
a: ['b', function(b) {
return angular.element(document.body).injector().invoke(loadSequence('coursecontroller', 'toaster', 'ngImgCrop')['deps'])
data: {
css: 'assets/css/course.css'