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PHP - AWS CloudWatch Logs return tooNewLogEventsStartIndex

I'm using AWS PHP SDK in order to allow clients application to send batch of Log Events to my central log @ AWS CloudWatch Logs.

Using the PutLogEvents() method i'm pushing a batch of logs to AWS and receive the following response with tooNewLogEventStartIndex as rejected reason.

object(Guzzle\Service\Resource\Model)#192 (2) {
  array(2) {
    string(56) "49557048644494214342955772042233869869420536807120962306"
    array(1) {

I couldn't find any documentation @ AWS explaining what this error means.. Does someone knows?


  • Apparently this error means that the timestamp on the log event is to far in the future. I did a mistake in my code and multiply my timestamp in 1000 (to microseconds) which was too much and made the timestamp in valid.