Following Rounin's answer carefully written (thanks a lot) on how to redirect any blogspot urls with any extension to the corresponding URL, now the question is how can I mask the URL? I mean, once the blogspot URL redirects to the, I want to continue to display the original blogspot URL instead of the
You can use the following JavaScript snippet for that -
site = ""; // The site which you want to mask, don't add ending slash
iFrame = document.createElement("iframe"); // Creates a iframe via JavaScript
iFrame.setAttribute("src", site + location.pathname); // Set the source of iFrame
iFrame.setAttribute("class", "maskingFrame"); // Add class to iFrame
document.body.appendChild(iFrame); // Append iframe to body of page
And the bare minimal CSS would be -
body {
.maskingFrame, body {
border: none;
You can check a demo here (This is the homepage) and here (This is an internal URL from other site which doesn't exist on the original blogspot URL)