Given the following data
Px<-runif(N, min = 100, max = 120);
Vol<-runif(N, min = 1, max = 20)
I generate a VWAP series rolling from index =1 with
VWAP<-unlist(lapply(seq(1,length(Px)),function(x) sum(Px[1:x]*Vol[1:x])/sum(Vol[1:x])))
This works well for N<10000 but as N approaches 1M the efficiency dramatically decreases. Any suggestions for a faster implementation?
You can use this syntax which doesn't recalculate sums of previous elements at each iteration:
Px<-runif(N, min = 100, max = 120);
Vol<-runif(N, min = 1, max = 20)
PxVol <- Px*Vol
SPxVol <- cumsum(PxVol)
SVol <- cumsum(Vol)
VWAP <- SPxVol/SVol