I'm using sharpsvn dlls for .NET. I'm new to using subversion, and I'd like my repository to be on a filesystem and not on a remote server.
Is it possible to use sharpsvn like this? I mean, have it checking out from c:\somewhere to c:\somewhere-else?
You can create a local SVN repos. I don't know exactly how the sharpsvn library works, but this is how you can do it with the command line svn client.
C:\>mkdir svntest
C:\>cd svntest
C:\svntest>svnadmin create testRepos
C:\svntest>mkdir checkoutDir
C:\svntest>svn co file:///C:/svntest/testRepos checkoutDir
Checkade ut revision 0.
To use from sharpsvn, use the file:/// syntax.