I'm using Persistent.Sqlite for my DB IO,...and I'm struggling with following:
Lets say I have a table User with columns: User_id and User_age, and I want to run following query:
select * from User where (User_age * val_1) > val_2;
I have tried using *=. but that query combinator is allowed only for Update type. Most probably I might need to use rawSql?,..but then I'm not sure how to pass value to the query.
gives you raw power! With that you can literally do anything. In your case, this should work:
share [mkPersist sqlSettings, mkMigrate "migrateAll"] [persistLowerCase|
age Int
deriving Show
getUser :: MonadIO m => ReaderT SqlBackend m [Entity User]
getUser = rawSql "select ?? from user where age * ? > ?" [PersistInt64 2, PersistInt64 40]
main :: IO ()
main = runSqlite "/home/sibi/test.db" $ do
runMigration migrateAll
johnId <- insert $ User 40
janeId <- insert $ User 41
users <- getUser
liftIO $ print (users :: [Entity User])
For knowing more about the special placeholders ?
and ??
, read the documentation here. I have added quite a big example there to make things clear. Let me know if you are still having trouble.
The above code will produce an output of this:
$ ./sqlitePersist
[Entity {entityKey = UserKey {unUserKey = SqlBackendKey {unSqlBackendKey = 1}}, entityVal = User {userAge = 40}},Entity {entityKey = UserKey {unUserKey = SqlBackendKey {unSqlBackendKey = 2}}, entityVal = User {userAge = 41}}]