codeword = input('Enter codeword : ')
codeword = codeword.lower().replace(" ", "")
for i in codeword:
old = (Chr(ord(i)))
encrypt = input('Enter text to encrypt : ')
encrypt = encrypt.lower().replace(" ", "")
for i in encrypt:
new = (Chr(ord(i)))
value = new + old
for i in value:
I am doing encryption and decryption for my GCSE computing, I already made a program that successfully encryptions text to the value of 5 letters in the alphabet ('a' would become 'f') the alphabet and then a program that decrypts it. However, I also have to write a program that adds the values of a codeword to the text and prints the new letter. So, for example, if the codeword was 'gcses' and the text 'hello' it would print o (7 + 8) h (3 + 5) e (19 + 12) q (5 + 12) h (19 + 15)
The code I have at the moment I believe is vaguely on the right track, however, I would like to know if it is possible to add the values of two ord() functions to carry out this program. Thanks. Any help would be much appreciated.
Easiest way to do this might be to add a lookup string containing the alphabet in order to find the letter numbers...
alphabet = ' abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
print alphabet.find('b')
# prints '2'
print alphabet[alphabet.find('g') + alphabet.find('h')]
# prints 'o' as expected.
You would need to handle overflow though (%26 would work)