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SQL count many-to-many relations in common

i have a sql problem with this schemas :

table user(id, name) table page(id, name) table page_user(id_page, id_user)

one page can be liked by multiple users and one user can like multiple pages

i would like to select all users in my table with a column with the number of liked page in common with some fixe user like : id_user | page_in_common_with_user_#id#_count


  • Assuming that "liked page" refers to the page_user table, then you can use a self join:

    select pu.id_user, count(pux.id_page) as PagesInCommonWithX
    from page_user pu left join
         page_user pux
         on pu.id_page = pux.id_page and
            pux.id_user = $x
    group by pu.id_user;