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Why is my $routeprovider empty

I have a question about the $routeProvider. In my code I have a $routeProvider.

        .when('/language/:countryCode', routing)
        .when('/promotion/:promotionCode', routing)

the 'routing' variable directs to a controller called registrationController. There, I have this initialise method.

$scope.initialise = function () {       

When I go to my browser and type in the URL:


The console prints out

Object {promotionCode: ":free"}

But now when I change that same URL to


The console prints out and empty object.

Does anyone know why, even though the routing is exactly the same, it doesn't recognize the language route?


  • The code I gave in the question itself was correct. I forgot to compile and build the project. I wasn't aware that needed to be done for javascript changes.