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Conditions for omitting type declarations in a where clause

The tutorial section on where clauses gives 2 conditions for being able to omitt the type declaration of a function f in a where clause:

  • f appears in the right hand side of the top level definition
  • The type of f can be completely determined from its first application

My question is: what is the relation between these two conditions? 'and', 'or', 'mutually exclusive', does one imply the other?


  • Both conditions must be met, e.g.:

    test1 : List Int -> List Int
    test1 xs = map inc xs
        inc a = 1 + a

    Let's look at counter examples, where only one condition is fulfilled.

    test2 : List Int -> List Int
    test2 xs = map proxy xs
        inc a = 1 + a
        proxy : Int -> Int
        proxy a = inc a

    Here, inc does not appear on the right hand side, but could be determined to be Int -> Int.

    test3 : List Int -> List Int
    test3 xs = map (cast . inc . cast) xs
        inc a = 1 + a

    Next, inc appears on the right hand side, but the type cannot be determined (as it could be Nat -> Nat, Int32 -> Int32, …), and thus the type of cast can't either.

    Both test2 and test3 compile only when given a type declaration to inc.