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Convert a log line into comma separated fields using logstash

I am totally new to Logstash. Can anyone please tell me the filter to add to the configuration file, to separate the following log line using Logstash?

"2011/08/10 09:47:23.449598,0.001199,udp,,15306, <->,,13363,CON,0,0,2,317,64,flow=Background-UDP-Established",

I want the above line to return a JSON object like the following:

TimeStamp: 2011/08/10 09:47:23.449598
Value: 0.001199
protocol: udp


  • Copy below text and write it to your conf file and run logstash. It will take input from console and will output to the console in your desired format.

    input {
    filter {
            grok {
               match => ["message","%{DATESTAMP:timestamp},%{BASE16FLOAT:value},%{WORD:protocol},%{IP:ip},%{GREEDYDATA:remaining}" ]
    output {
      stdout {
            codec => rubydebug