I am totally new to Logstash. Can anyone please tell me the filter to add to the configuration file, to separate the following log line using Logstash?
"2011/08/10 09:47:23.449598,0.001199,udp,,15306, <->,,13363,CON,0,0,2,317,64,flow=Background-UDP-Established",
I want the above line to return a JSON object like the following:
TimeStamp: 2011/08/10 09:47:23.449598
Value: 0.001199
protocol: udp
Copy below text and write it to your conf file and run logstash. It will take input from console and will output to the console in your desired format.
input {
filter {
grok {
match => ["message","%{DATESTAMP:timestamp},%{BASE16FLOAT:value},%{WORD:protocol},%{IP:ip},%{GREEDYDATA:remaining}" ]
output {
stdout {
codec => rubydebug