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Pass an interface from class to activity

If i have an object form interface in my class, how i can pass it to activity?

My solution was to change it as static object, it's work fine but sometimes it create a memory leaks because of all the old references which the garbage collector cannot collect, and i cannot implement 'Serializable' on my interface.

public class MyClass {
     protected OnStringSetListener onstringPicked;
        public interface OnStringSetListener {
            void OnStringSet(String path);

      public void startActivity(){
                Intent intent=new Intent(context,Secound.class);
                // ?! intent.putExtra("TAG", inter);


  • In my opinion, using Bundles would be a nice choice. Actually bundles internally use Parcelables. So, this approach would be a good way to go with.

    Suppose you would like to pass an object of type class MyClass to another Activity, all you need is adding two methods for compressing/uncompressing to/from a bundle.

    To Bundle:

    public Bundle toBundle(){
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        // Add the class properties to the bundle
        return bundle;

    From Bundle:

    public static MyClass fromBundle(Bundle bundle){
        MyClass obj = new MyClass();
        // populate properties here
        return obj;

    Note: Then you can simply pass bundles to another activities using putExtra. Note that handling bundles is much simpler than Parcelables.