I have a form to get user input. In the Name textbox field user will specify how does he want the WILD Card
implementation. For example if he types abc
query should be:
Select * from Student where Name Like '%' '@Name' + '%'
If he types abc*
the *
should tell the query to return rows having name that start from abc
Select * from Student where Name Like '@Name' + '%'
If he types *abc
the *
should tell the query to return rows having name that ends with abc
Select * from Student where Name Like '%' + '@Name'
How can I write a query that would handle this type of user inputs? Will Regex
try this
DECLARE @Name AS VARCHAR(100)='abc*'
if (CHARINDEX('*', @Name)>1)
set @Name=Replace(@Name, '*', '%')
set @Name='%'+@Name+'%'
Declare @sqlText varchar(max)= "Select * from Student where Name Like '" + Replace(userinputtext, "*", "%") + "'";