It seems like I missed something important but I can not figure out what it is. I use reflect to access embedded type fields through an interface. The problem I have is that according to runtime/pprof
it eats up a lot of CPU. I do not like to implement Setter and Getter methods on all Vehicles so is there a better way of doing this?
Simplified sample:
package main
// the "contract" is that all vehicles have an embedded Engine
type Vehicle interface {}
type Engine struct {
Power float64
Cubic float64
type Car struct {
Weight float64
TopSpeed float64
// more Vehicles with Engines here...
func EngineCheck(v Vehicle) {
// this does not work:
//power := v.Power
// reflection works but eats up a lot of CPU:
power := reflect.ValueOf(v).Elem().FieldByName("Power").Interface().(float64)
func main() {
c1 := &Car{Engine{120.0, 1.2}, 1.5, 250}
You could use type assertion if you know the exact type which is fast, and only revert to reflection if that fails.
For example:
func EngineCheck(v Vehicle) {
var power float64
if eng, ok := v.(*Car); ok {
power = eng.Power
} else {
power = reflect.ValueOf(v).Elem().FieldByName("Power").Interface().(float64)
Note that the types Car
and *Car
are different, and the above example would only "skip" the reflection part if the value you pass is indeed a pointer: *Car
If there are multiple possible "acceptable" types, you could use a type switch. For example if you pass a Car
or *Car
, you can get the Power
value from both. Also if Engine
or *Engine
would be passed, the same thing applies.
func EngineCheck(v Vehicle) {
var power float64
switch i := v.(type) {
case *Car:
power = i.Power
case Car:
power = i.Power
case *Engine:
power = i.Power
case Engine:
power = i.Power
power = reflect.ValueOf(v).Elem().FieldByName("Power").Interface().(float64)
But the idiomatic solution would still be to add a getter function to Vehicle
type Vehicle interface {
GetPower() float64
Note that you do not have to implement GetPower()
everywhere. If you implement it at the Engine
func (e Engine) GetPower() float64 {
return e.Power
And you embed Engine
into Car
(as you did), your Car
type will automatically have this GetPower()
method (promoted) in its method set and thus it will automatically implement Vehicle
. And then your EngineCheck()
function would be as simple as:
func EngineCheck(v Vehicle) {
Try all these 3 variants on the Go Playground.