The below code does not compile for me:
import Foundation
@objc public protocol MyProtocol {
func protocolMethod(parameter: (String)) -> String
func anotherProtocolMethod() -> Int
class MyClass: NSObject {
var myValue = self.anotherProtocolMethod()
extension MyClass: MyProtocol {
func protocolMethod(parameter: (String)) -> String {
return ""
func anotherProtocolMethod() -> Int {
return 1
The error occurs on the line myValue is assigned, it reads: error: value of type 'NSObject -> () ->MyClass has no member anotherProtocolMethod
Is there a way to make this work without moving myValue into the class extension?
This has nothing to do with the extension. This line would be illegal in any case:
var myValue = self.anotherProtocolMethod() // an instance property
A stored instance property cannot be directly initialized by calling an instance method, because at initialization time the instance is exactly what does not yet exist.