Construct a grammar that generates L:
L = {a^p b^m c^n|n>=0, m>=0, p=m+n}
Till now I have attempted this much:
Is my grammar right?
I can't give the mathematical proof, but let's try to enumerate the strings your grammar can produce:
ε, ac, aacc, aaaccc, ... (more same # of a and c), ab, aabb, aaabbb, ... (more same # of a and b), aacb, aaaccb, aaacbb, aaaaccbb, ... (more # a which is the same as # b + c)
Now does:
a^p b^m c^n
indicate that the order must be strictly fulfilled? i.e. a first then b then c. if yes, you can see yourself that b and c are actually swapped in your grammar.