Search code examples

BigCommerce Stencil & Handlebars

Is there a custom helper available in Stencil to chain multiple conditions rather than nest them?

{{#if template_file '!==' 'pages/home'}}
{{#if template_file '!==' 'pages/product'}}
{{#if template_file '!==' 'pages/category'}}


Can the 'any' helper be used in this instance?


  • See: Logical operator in a handlebars.js {{#if}} conditional

    In short, no. You are better off writing your own helper if you plan on using this condition more than once. But then again, maybe it would be better to just declare a global variable on the current page, and then on your 'dynamic' template file, you can have a single conditional statement that compares that single variable?

    Does that make sense? Hope this helps..