-- | data type definition of WFF: well formed formula
data Wff = Var String
| Not Wff
| And Wff Wff
| Or Wff Wff
| Imply Wff Wff
-- | Negation norm form nnf function
-- precondition: φ is implication free
-- postcondition: NNF (φ) computes a NNF for φ
nnf :: Wff -> Wff
nnf (Var p) = Var p
nnf (Not (Not p)) = (nnf p)
nnf (And p q) = And (nnf p) (nnf q)
nnf (Or p q) = Or (nnf p) (nnf q)
nnf (Not (And p q)) = Or (nnf(Not p)) (nnf(Not q))
nnf (Not (Or p q)) = And (nnf(Not p)) (nnf(Not q))
Test case: ¬(p ∨ Q)
(*** Exception:: Non-exhaustive patterns in function nnf
However, if I add nnf (Not p) = Not (nnf p)
into the function, it will show
Pattern match(es) are overlapped
In an equation for ‘nnf’:
nnf (Not (Not p)) = ...
nnf (Not (And p q)) = ...
nnf (Not (Or p q)) = ...
I am wondering what I am doing wrong?
You're simply inserting the line at the wrong place. nnf (Not p) = ...
is a catch-all for negations. If you then later add other clauses that deal with more specific negations like Not (And p q)
, they can't possibly trigger anymore.
The catch-all clause needs to come last, i.e.
nnf (Var p) = Var p
nnf (Not (Not p)) = (nnf p)
nnf (And p q) = And (nnf p) (nnf q)
nnf (Or p q) = Or (nnf p) (nnf q)
nnf (Not (And p q)) = Or (nnf $ Not p) (nnf $ Not q)
nnf (Not (Or p q)) = And (nnf $ Not p) (nnf $ Not q)
nnf (Not p) = Not $ nnf p