I have a table that contains order details. How can I create a row at the end that totals all my subtotals?
o.order_id, o.itemDescription as Description,
o.quantity_shipped as [Quantity],
o.itemCost as [Price each],
(o.quantity_shipped * CAST(o.itemCost as float)) as [Sub Total]
dbo.order_items o
This will give you total by Order Id
SELECT o.order_id, SUM((o.quantity_shipped * CAST (o.itemCost as float))) as [TotalByOrderId]
FROM dbo.order_items o
GROUP BY o.order_id
This will give you grand total
SELECT SUM((o.quantity_shipped * CAST (o.itemCost as float))) as [GrandTotal]
FROM dbo.order_items o